See what Monique’s experience can do for you
With more than 20 years of experience as a legal counsel at the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee, Monique has extensive knowledge on estate administration. Her private practice focuses on acting as a trustee and providing advice and assistance to estate trustees, beneficiaries and guardians or attorneys of incapable persons. Monique has a team ready to assist you with an estate’s needs, such as financial and accounting services, property management and sales, investigators or litigation counsel.
Monique is fluent in English and French and has experience working in both Ontario and Québec jurisdictions. In addition to her 25 years of experience as an Ontario lawyer, her civil law background and French language fluency have helped her in dealing with legal counsel and beneficiaries in Québec and countries with a civil law foundation.
Prior to focusing on estates law at the Ontario Public Guardian and Trustee, Monique was responsible for writing, researching, drafting and implementing government policies and procedures. Monique set up the Capacity Assessment Office under the Substitute Decisions Act, 1992 and trained the first group of capacity assessors. She coordinated the implementation of the new Support Deduction Orders for family support enforcement. Additionally, Monique led the policy development and implementation of two rounds of amendments to the Crown Administration of Estates Act.
Monique is currently a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC), the Canadian and Ontario Bar Association (CBA & OBA), and l’Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario (AJEFO). Monique was recently asked to participate in the 2017 OBA Trusts & Estates Law Institute on Death and Aging: Key Strategies and Updates for Planning, Administration and Litigation Counsel. Here, Monique presented on the administration of intestate estates and how to determine who has an interest in the estate. From 2015 to 2016, Monique served as a part-time lawyer member of the Consent and Capacity Board. In 2014 and 2015, she was a member of the Advisory Committee to the Small Estates project of the Law Commission of Ontario. She was appointed to the French-language panel of the Special Education Tribunal of Ontario from 2000 to 2004. Monique received personal or group awards from the Ontario Government for her outstanding work performance and her involvement as an executive and board member of the Association of Law Officers of the Crown (ALOC).